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Water & Gas Compliance
Auditing & Consultancy


Independent Auditing & Consultancy Services

Our professional consultants will provide evaluation and mentoring services to clients who need guidance with some aspect of their Legionella and Gas operation or the management of plant and equipment.

We work with our clients to identify strengths and weaknesses inherent in their current operating structure while offering advice on how to maximise the efficiency of their processes and equipment.

Furthermore, this minimises the impact of any non- compliances within their systems of working, plant, and equipment. Our Legionella and Gas consultancy includes:

  • Risk Management
  • Risk Assessment
  • Preventing or controlling risk
  • Record keeping
  • Written Control Scheme
  • Plant and equipment efficiency
  • Remedial works verification
  • Water testing interpretation
  • Site and paperwork auditing

Our consultancy services will ensure you are working within current Government guidance, statutory regulations and meeting your obligations under current legislation such as the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) and The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (2002).